Course Number
Course Description
'In the popular imagination, the medieval history of Europe often appears as a narrative of decline ('Fall of Rome') and darkness (Dark Ages) followed by gradual betterment (Renaissance) and progress (Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Democracy). This class provides you with the critical and analytical tools to understand why this particular vision of medieval Europe came into being and how to develop a more accurate understanding of the medieval past. Alongside acquiring research and writing skills that are valuable in almost all areas of intellectual endeavor, the class introduces you to the most important events and narratives of medieval European history. Because medieval history is both excitingly different from our present but also often similar, studying this history is a uniquely challenging and excellent exercise in abstract and critical thought.'
Academic Term
Kuersteiner, Sarina
Location & Meeting Time
Bailey Hall-201+ T/TH 10:55AM-12:40PM LEC
Total Students
Additional Information